

Welcome to the Vincennes 大学 Expert Directory. Our database is a curated list of diverse faculty and staff from Indiana’s First College. Our experts are available 协助澳门足球博彩官方网址媒体分享他们对某一问题或热门话题的见解 when journalists are working on stories related to a variety of topics. 澳门足球博彩官方网址的教师 员工利用他们在专业领域的广泛知识和研究 to help audiences better understand a story.

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Dr. 查尔斯·约翰逊

Dr. 查尔斯·约翰逊博士.D.

劳动力发展伙伴关系,大学学位和非学位课程的发展 管理,领导和技术发展的组织评估 需要

查尔斯·R. "Chuck" Johnson was appointed the 22nd President of Vincennes 大学 in 2015, after previously serving as Interim President for four months. 约翰逊来了 到澳门足球博彩官方网址担任教务长/教学服务副总裁/学院院长,并担任 in that capacity for three years.

Dr. 劳拉•特雷纳说道

Dr. 劳拉·特雷纳博士.D.

战略规划、领导力、女性领导力、团队建设、教练和指导、 高等教育,教学效能,成长心态,持续品质 改进

Dr. Treanor has held the positions of faculty, Dean, Vice President for Academics, 负责机构效率的副校长,最近是教务长. Over the course of her 30-year career in higher education, Dr. 特雷纳担任过 作为一个模范的创新者和变革型领导者,他已经发展出了高影响力 teams, heralded new programs and services and championed academic quality.

Dr. 辛西娅Ragle

Dr. 辛西娅·拉格博士.D.


Dr. 辛西娅·拉格尔是社会科学、表演艺术学院院长 沟通(SSPAC), SSPAC培养批判性思维,创造性表达和智力 好奇心. In classrooms, studios, and on stage, students are prepared for a variety of careers, and are equipped to prosper in the future. 


Dr. 亚伦·布鲁克博士.D.

Science Education, Secondary Education

Dr. Aaron Bruck is an alumnus of Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA where he earned my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. 他获得了博士学位.D from Purdue 大学 in Chemistry/Chemistry Education.


Dr. 查克·曼斯菲尔德博士.D.

Agriculture, Agronomy, Commodity Crop Production, Corn; Soybeans, Wheat, Specialty 作物,大麻,油菜籽

Dr. Chuck Mansfield joined 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in 1990. He began his college career by earning a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois 大学 in 1976. He earned a master’s degree from the 大学 of Florida which was completed in 1981. 曼斯菲尔德还 完成博士学位.D. at the 大学 of Florida after which he came directly to work 与错觉.



Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Forensics

特蕾莎·塔巴克有着广泛的研究背景,包括:发展和表征 从石油原料中去除硫的催化剂,表征其表面 各种聚合物在有和没有湿度的情况下的结构,以及表征气体/水 界面在环境相关气体,有机分子,和 盐. 使用的技术包括气密系统、超高真空和激光光谱学.


Dr. Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.、lpc-mh (sd)、CCMHC

Data Analytics in Higher Ed., Student Retention and Persistence, Test and Assessment 发展

Dr. Dale Pietrzak(发音为Pete's rock)负责监督评估和机构领域 有效性和机构研究,并担任似曾相识的认证联络 Officer (ALO) with the Higher Learning Commission. Pietrzak possesses extensive accreditation 经验,并扩大了大学使用商业分析来确定 how the student population can be better served.


Curt Coffman, m.s.A.

Climate Change, Water Quality, Wildlife & Fisheries, Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Zoology, Marine biology, General Science, Science Education

Curt Coffman is the Dean of Science, Engineering, & 数学. He has taught undergraduate 为学生服务了24年,其中14年在澳门足球博彩官方网址,他是生物系系主任 6年. He has been recognized by Folsom Lake College, Vincennes 大学, and the National Association of Biology Teachers for excellence in teaching. 

michaell gehrich

Michael Gehrich, m.s.A.


迈克·格里希(Mike Gehrich)是文森斯大学航空主任,他管理着 美国文森斯大学航空维修和航空飞行专业 Aviation 技术 Center.



采购产品汽车技术,汽车修复,汽车涂装,油漆产品, 碰撞修复

Ty Freed is the Dean of the College of 技术. Freed is a Vincennes 大学 Automotive 技术 graduate. In addition, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Automotive 印第安纳州立大学工业技术硕士学位. 他是碰撞维修技师、汽车技师、发动机技师 机械师,校车技师,中型/重型卡车技师,汽车 高级L1级专家,替代燃料技术员和底盘专家. 




克里斯蒂安·布鲁姆是文森斯大学贾斯珀分校的助理副校长兼院长 校园. 布洛曼在高等教育领域的工作包括招生管理、市场营销、 Community Engagement, Fundraising, and 校园 Administration. He has created unique 教育、工业和社区之间的伙伴关系,为学生提供机会 to rewarding careers.



Journalism, Public Relations

马西娅·马丁内斯被聘为似曾相识的大学生活记者和体育信息 2018年总监. She works closely with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders to tell the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 story in the most authentic and always inspiring way.


Louis J. 小Caprino., cpp, fcio, chs-v

联邦调查局,国内和国际恐怖主义,应急管理,公司安全, 联邦调查局法律专员,国际执法机构,情报机构, 联邦执法,反恐,反情报,国土安全, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Basic Cybercrime

卡普里诺的联邦调查局任务包括在纽约、印第安纳波利斯和联邦调查局总部服务 在华盛顿特区.C. From 1998-2003, Caprino served as the FBI’s Legal Attache and was 派驻美国.S. Embassies in Canberra, Australia; Wellington, New Zealand; Suva, Fiji; and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.


Jessica Zellers, LCSW, ACSW, MSW

采购产品社会工作领域,医疗保健,成瘾,学校,儿童福利,精神健康服务 供应商

杰西卡·泽勒(Jessica Zeller)是文森斯大学社会学和社会工作副教授 大学. Prior to beginning her career at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in 2014, Zellers worked as a licensed 临床社会工作者在各种环境中,她喜欢分享这些 with the next generation of social workers! Zellers teaches introductory-level sociology/social 工作课程,以及那些专注于成瘾、死亡社会学方面的课程, and the real-life practice of being a generalist social worker. She holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in Social Work.


Jaci Lee Lederman, MBA-ITM

行政领导,项目管理,战略组织规划,高级 执行团队动态,风险管理,IT合规和审计,业务连续性 灾难恢复、CISO、社区服务、计算机科学、网络安全、 信息技术、物流、ERP系统、Web开发、数据仓库管理

Jaci Lee Lederman is the Chair of the Information 技术 Department. 她是一个 拥有超过二十年的项目管理经验 working in all areas within Information 技术 and the supply chain. 杰西是一个 ciso认证的信息安全官和edrp - ec委员会灾难恢复 专业.
